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WA Tri-County Fire Commissioners

Logo for Tri-County Fire Commissioners Association, featuring medical symbol and names Benton, Franklin, Walla Walla counties.

Washington Tri-County Fire Commissioners is an organization that consist of all local county fire districts withing the Benton, Franklin and Walla Walla Counties. The board is made up of Fire Commissioners as the membership.


2024 WA Tri-County Fire Commissioners Board

  • President Todd Blackmon, Franklin County Fire District 3   FCFD3
  • Vice president Richard Chlizbe, West Benton Fire and Rescue   WBFD
  • Secretary and Treasurer Barry Orth, Benton County Fire Distirct 2    BCFPD2


The organization meets quarterly, every three months, to interface with all Fire districts and their Fire Commissioners, allowing communication,  sharing of ideas and issues that have risen within the last three months. This is a nonprofit organization.